Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Copyright 2018 by Lori-Ann Willey 

A list of words we use around camp since our purchase in 2004.  I'm sure I've missed some, but as we use and remember, I'll add to the list.


16-Mile Loop -  Trip we make with snowmobiles or our Polaris 4-wheeler to our truck and back during the winter months.

A FUNNY -  A telling of an amusing experience.

A Stiffel - A process of building using more nails than wood.

Allen's-way - A clever way of doing a complicated or cumbersome task.

Aunt Flo -  Monthly period.  AKA - Aunt Dot

Baby X -  A temporary name for an unborn child.

Bedspread -  What one creates when they sprawl out on the bed leaving no room for the other.

Big People's Drink - Any alcoholic beverage.

Big Potty - Composting Toilet

Bladdah-Gladdah - What you do when you go pee.  You make your bladder gladder.

Bob Hope - A specific husband/wife in the cove.

Bubbles - Snow. (Ellie)

Cannable vs. Cannible - Paul wondered if eels were cannable.

Cheatah Pizzah - Store bought pizza

Climatized - When you are used to it being cold out.

Cling-Ons - What you call little kids when they cling to you.

Coffee Burner - The process in which green coffee beans are roasted.

Coffee Pot -  The Luggable-Loo with deodorizing coffee grounds.

Cordon-Blue - The heating cord is on the face shield  of the blue snowmobile helmet, therefore, cordon-blue.

Cuskasaurus - Cusk fish that is larger than average size. (Bruce -Katahdin General)

Dam Camp Husband – Paul

Dam Camp Wife – Lori-Ann

Dam Hill - Hill going up from the dam.

Dangling Participles - What I told Paul to watch for when he wears boxers (without snaps) ..."Dangling Parts-visible".

Deep-Throat - When a fish takes the hook, line and sinker deep in the throat.

Dickles  - A mixture of  Wickles (red relish) & Dill (green relish)

DOH!ment - The moment you realized your previous thought was a "DOH!"

Dolby - Way out to town in the winter.

Double-Dipping -  Fishing with two poles at once.

Downers - Ice Fishing:  When you lower the bait to the bottom.

Drive-By-Shooting - What we do when friends come within picture shot while on the lake with our boats.

Drop ‘em & Go -  Act of going pee outside.

Eagle -  Name of an island where we often see eagles.

Eelin' - Eel fishing.

European - What the other spouse says when the other is peeing (You're-ah-peeing)

Fat Jumpers -  Little, jumpy, hard bumps on snowmobile trails where sledders drastically increase speed, leaving snow sprayed and heaped in the trail! 

Fishit - 1.  What comes out of a fish when you clean them. 2.  What you do in a stream...fish it. 

Fishy-Fit - What you have when you pull up a lake chub thinking it was a big trout.

Four Corners - The point where the Stacyville Road and Huber Road meets.

Going Horizontal – Time for bed.

Goofy - Way out to town in the summer.

Go-Postal - What we say when we need to make the one hour round trip to the Post Office in Summer.  A good 30-45 minutes longer than that in winter.

Gray Water – Drainage water -washing, cleaning, dishes, etc.

Green-Eye - An underwater fluorescent green light used for night fishing.

Gunky Potty - Litter Box

Guzinta - This "goes into" that.  Also known as a, "Guzinta problem". 

Hangover - When sleeping at the Gateway (Hotel in Medway), we always wake up with a hangover.  (Feet hanging over the end of a double sized bed.)

Hip Fart -  The noise your hip makes when it pops back into the socket! (Florice)

Holy-Hannah! - What is yelled when you catch a small fish, and want everyone to think you caught a big one. (Dave)

Hopper-Hop - What we do in the bathroom in the winter.  The Luggable-Loo is for going #1, and the composting toilet is used for going #2.  

I'm on! - Statement to indicate being "online" or "connected" to the Internet.

Ima – “I’m a ….”

In the Now -  What's happening at that very moment. (often showing a picture)

IVIG -  Immuno gamma globulin “treatments”

Jumping-off-rock - The pyramid-shaped rock to jump from while swimming. (Stiffel’s)

Kinky Fish - The fish that are attracted to the vibrations of the snowmobile upon the ice.

Lap Dance - What your paper plate does when your lap tries to hold it during the eating process!

Lap-It  - When you do a Lap Dance

Lips - Anything that goes on the lips.  "My tongue took my lips away."  (What Autumn said after she licked chapstick off her lips.)

Lip-Stuff - Lip moisturizers.

Little Potty - Luggable-Loo (Piss Pot, Coffee Pot)

Millinocket Lake Piranha - Sunfish

Mt. K -  Mount Katahdin

Muchcuskluk - When the cusk fishing is good.

M-wow - What the cat (Gunky) says when Josh cleans his room!

Nose Douche - The process of cleaning out the sinuses using a bulb syringe, warm water and salt. (Thea)

Off Eagle - Location of ice shack.

"Peas" and Poops -  The name of Lori-Ann's garden.

Patoot -  Butt

Perchin' - White perch fishing.

Pink Medicine - What kids hope for at each doctor visit. (liquid Amoxicillin).

Quimby - A 6-letter swear word.

Sea Turtle -   Big snapping turtle

Silly Poop - Poop that is shaped like a “j” . (Ellie)

Squeepee -  (or Squeepy)  That last-ditch attempt to squeeze out a little "pee" before a trip to town, etc, in hopes you won't have to "go" until you get back. 

Stitch -  Straw or Corn brooms with painted faces.

Strap-ons - Bungee chords

Sunspot - Where the cat and Lori-Ann sit to feel the "warmth" of the winter sun.

The Beast -  Polaris Ranger

The Dam Willey’s -  Paul and I as referenced by others.

The Point - The endpoint on the camp road.

Three-Way - What happens when three fishing lines cast at the same time, in the same spot, then get tangled together, leaving the three fishermen thinking they have fish (Marc)

“Too Pooped to Poop” -  Exhausted

Traumatized - When it's REALLY cold out!

Triponable - Anything at ground level that can cause tripping, therefore it's trip-on-able.

Up Mud - A nice secluded boat ride.

Up Sandy - Going trout fishing.

Uppers - Ice Fishing:  When you lower the bait to just under the ice.

Uppin’attem -  Time to get off the patoot and get stuff done.

Uppinaddah -  When you are up and out of (bed).

Vikings - Those who take Vicodine.

Weeds - Wild Edibles.

Wet Back Hill - Hill on the Stacyville Road that is always wet with water seepage.

Zombie -  In a stupor, too tired to think.


Ami – Shed made by the Amish

Ellie-Aut – Shed named after our granddaughters -Autumn & Ellie

Home-home - Our legal residence.

Little House - Cottage

Pauly – Shed made by Paul and Lori-Ann

Plywood Palace – What our camp was called before we purchased it. (Brian M.)

Telephone Booth – Outhouse


Ah-Choo – Name of our cat.

Bebe – Red Squirrel

Blurds - When birds get blown around with the snow in wicked high winds, you see blurry birds.

Bob & Bobbette – Raven mates

Caw - A certain seagull that comes to our boat when we yell "Caw".

Chippy - Chipmunks

Cyril – Red Squirrel

Gunky-Butt – The name of our cat.

Hand-Warmer - Name of a still warm dead squirrel.  When cold, it goes into a pot of water.

Jumpy – Red Squirrel

Rainbow – Seagull

Sammy Jay -  Blue Jays (Thorton Burgess)

Snorkeling Bear - A tree stump/root protruding from water.

Target Practice - When red squirrels steal the bird food!

Thal - Name given to a short and stubby red squirrel. (short for Thalidomide, a 1960’s morning sickness medicine, resulting in stunted limbs of the offspring.) 

Tonto - Name of the red squirrel with the tail hairs that stick straight up in the shape of a feather.

Twister - Name of a mourning dove that has a white bread twist-tie around her/her left leg.


Daylight – Teller of outside conditions at dawn.  Bringer of light.

Haste – Helps get stuff done in a hurry

Mother Nature – Mother Earth and all that she holds

Night – Concealer of Daylight. 

Up & At’em – Prodders to get my butt moving

Waste – A time waster