Monday, December 1, 2014


UPDATE January 23, 2015 
The Inept Blog 2009 - 2010 -  Our Lives off the Grid in the Maine Wilderness

UPDATE -  December 17, 2014

Coming in Early 2015

The Inept Blog is going into hard copy format (e-book version, too).  Each book will contain a time spread of two years each.  Some books will be thinner, while others thicker. I hope that by 2016, that all blog entries to date will be in book format.

Knowing that our lifestyle here off the grid is unique, it is more so because Paul is disabled.  That, in itself is very challenging.  Living here with that disability is not only scary, but it makes living here much more difficult.  However, our love for seclusion in the Maine wilderness is one that we will not give up until we absolutely have to.  

Each year, especially as we age, finds living here more demanding on our bodies, especially mine.  I have said for years, “I am the muscle, Paul is the brain”.  We are determined!  We make the best of our life here and try to do so with a smile, not to mention a great appreciation of it all, even through the hardships!  

It takes a certain mindset to live here, but determination and a great want for this lifestyle is what sets us apart from others.  Some call us insane.  Some call us inspirational.  Some go as far as calling us modern day pioneers.  Whatever label you put upon us is your preference.  We simply call it LIFE.  

The first book in The Inept Blog series was the start of my writing about our experiences here at camp.  Over the years, my writing style changed from very informal and brief, to full-length retellings of our experiences without all the contractions.

If you wish to follow more frequent updates, please visit my FaceBook page.  There, too, you will see my other books. Also, feel free to visit and Like our public FaceBook page from where all these stories and updates take place,  Willey's Dam Camp.  From both pages, you can access the Dam Camp Photography page, too.  I am the photographer, however, my daughter started a small business selling my photography from where all these blog entries take place.  

The Inept Blog 2009 - 2010 -  Our Lives off the Grid in the Maine Wilderness

December 1, 2014 -  

Dear Reader,

The Inept Blog has steadily grown since its beginning back in 2009.  With 61,031 views, and 26,774 Unique Readers, 19,367 of you are from the United States! Thank you for reading about our lifestyle and whacky thoughts!

My most read blog entry of all time is the entry titled, "Why Should I Shave My Legs".  That has 1,071 Unique Readers, and I think that is kinda funny, and helps me understand my readers even better!   How fun!

As a result, The Inept Blog is getting a facelift and will soon head into a different direction.  I will explain more in a couple of days.

I left up a few readable entries, but most of them are unavailable at the moment.  

Meanwhile, if you wish to read more, please find us on Facebook at Willey's Dam Camp and/or to my author's Facebook page, Lori-Ann Willey.  You will find less activity at the author's page, but that is where you will find exciting new updates for 2015.

Thank you for you patience.

Lori-Ann Willey